News from the group:
Research Exchange Fellowships - IAESTE (apply)
CAMDA 2023 - ISMB Conference Track, 26-27 July, Lyon, France (read more)
World-leading patient stratification - graph based cancer data integration (read more)
Confirming molecular mechanisms of tendon regeneration - a powerful ovine fetal model (read more)
CAMDA 2022
ISMB Conference Track,
11-12 July, Madison, USA
(read more)
NVIDIA GTC Best Poster Award
for MM Kańduła
at GTC'18
Outstanding Presentation Prize
for MM Kańduła
at CAMDA'17
Outstanding Presentation Prize
for PP Łabaj
at CAMDA'15 (photo)
Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation scholarship
for MM Kańduła
at Boston University
OeAW APART fellowship
for PP Łabaj

Sequencing Quality Control (SEQC) project,
MAQC Consortium 2011–2014 (read more)
Host–parasite interactions in biocontrol, WWTF grant 2010–2013 (read more)

Power and limitations of RNA-Seq,
FDA SEQC, Nature Biotechnology (read more)
Characterization and improvement of RNA-Seq precision,
Bioinformatics (read more)
Impact of heavy tails in microarray analysis, Bioinformatics (read more)
Novel conserved repeats in sorting signals,
FEBS Journal (read more)
Sound sensation gene,
Nature communications
(read more)
RNA interference in ageing research,
Gerontology (read more)

Sound sensation gene

Mechanoreceptors are sensory cells that detect mechanical stimuli and translate them into electrical nerve signals, mediating the perception of sound, touch and acceleration. We report that a putative receptor identified in the fruit fly Drosophila is shown to be potentially important for hearing and the amplification of mechanotransduction.

Supporting an extensive study of Joe Howard's laboratory at the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genomics in Dresden, we identified 625 genes specifically active in mechanoreceptors of the fly's hearing organ. The candidate genes were identified by a two-way comparison of microarray expression profiles for tissues poor or rich in these receptors versus an unrelated neuronal tissue. This gave a screen for genes associated with the receptor that were not similarly active in other neuronal cells and thus likely responsible for mechanotransduction.

Electronmicrograph of ciliary dilations (follow link for full figure and legend) The ciliated mechanoreceptors possess an elaborate microtubule cytoskeleton that facilitates the coupling of external forces to the transduction apparatus. For a particular candidate gene, DCX-EMAP, our colleagues could show conclusively that it localizes to these structures. Disruptions to the gene, moreover, lead to flies that were uncoordinated, deaf, and displayed a loss of mechanosensory transduction and amplification.


Bechstedt S, Albert JT, Kreil DP, Müller-Reichert T, Göpfert MC, Howard J (2010) A doublecortin containing microtubule-associated protein is implicated in mechanotransduction in Drosophila sensory cilia, Nature Commun. 1, 11. (read more)

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